To discover valuable information on a few popular Vectrex products, simply continue reading. As an example you’ll get to learn about the first 3D game system which was released in North America and a fun Vectrex produced game that would teach budding animators how to create their own simple animated sequences.
Valuable information on classic Vectrex products:
Vectrex 3D glasses:
The Vectrex 3D Imager was the very first 3D game system to be released. With the second company to release a similar 3D system being Sega. Who took four years longer than Vectrex to produce their first 3D game system. The Vectrex 3D glasses were sold in 1984 and were only sold in the USA. So if you have an opportunity to purchase a vintage pair of Vectrex 3D glasses, it’s definitely well worth doing so. As there are only a small number of glasses which are available for sale. Especially if you’d like to purchase a pair of 3D glasses which are still in excellent condition.
Vectrex Animaction:
Vectrex Animaction was originally released in 1983 and was an innovative game which allowed individuals to use light pens in order to create their own animated scenes. As an example, if you owned a copy of Vectrex Animaction you’d be able to use a light pen in order to draw an animated horse or cat.
If you enjoy experimenting with retro video game consoles and games and have a passion for animation, it’s well worth trying to track down a copy of Vetrex Animaction so that you can try and create your own animated sequences. If you have kids they’ll also love being able to play around on Vectrex Animaction and to create a wide variety of fun animations. As although Animaction was originally released in the 1980s and may have been released well before you were born it still is a lot of fun to play with.
Vectrex Melody Master:
If you’re more interested in composing your own music, than creating your own animated sequences, you may may be more interested in hunting down a copy of Vectrex Melody Master. An innovative game which was designed to be used with Vectrex’s light pen and which would allow individuals to use your light pen to write down musical notes on your screen. In order to create unique, melodic pieces of music. Which you’d then be able to share with your family members and friends.
So if you’re a huge Vectrex fan and admire their innovation, there’s no better time to start searching for the items listed above than the present. Especially if you already have a Vectrex gaming machine.
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