One of the most critical and challenging methods of maintaining your business’ efficiency is keeping your workforce happy and stress-free. There are numerous studies that show that a company that supports their staff’s happiness has significant benefits such as increased efficiency, increased creativity, and a lower turnover of staff – all of which lead to higher profits and better business.
Here are a few methods you could use to improve the positivity of your workers so you can reap the benefits – and so can they!
Team-building events
Throwing out-of-hours events can be an excellent way of building team rapport and building relationships amongst your staff. If your workforce is well acquainted with one another, it can lead to them being more efficient in the workplace. As well as this, it leads to a sense of togetherness and unity amongst the staff, which can help combat high turnover rates in your business.
You can also do in-house activities to help spread a sense of unity through your workforce, such as making sure to celebrate public holidays (Secret Santa during the festive period, a dress-up day for Halloween, etc.) in the office.
Show your employees how important they are to the business
Workers can lose morale and happiness if they feel like their work is unimportant or doesn’t matter. Therefore, it is vital to show your employees how integral their job is to the business and how they fit into the hierarchy.
Once you show your employees how much you value them, it can do wonders for their drive and morale, and once they see how they fit into the business, it can lead to higher efficiency as they know how their work can help their co-workers in the running of the company.
Offer good employee benefits
Whilst simply paying your employees more is often seen as a reliable way to increase staff happiness, you should consider the option of offering competitive benefits. The best employee benefits providers usually provide some form of rewards system which is customisable by your company’s offered benefits and requirements and are often automated to ensure efficiency.
Some of the benefits your business could offer its workforce are:
– Gym and exercise facility passes
– Sick pay
– Health insurance
– Remote working options
– Flexible hours
– Free childcare
– Company car/phone
– Free food and drink
– Paid maternity and paternity leave
– Discount schemes
– Overtime pay
– Pension funds
– Stock options
A survey carried out by the Harvard Business Review magazine found that some of the most popular benefits are often inexpensive and easy to offer. Therefore, finding the right combination of benefits is extremely important as it can attract potential employees and is an alternative to raising salaries.
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